Our Team
Principal Investigator

Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Neurosurgery, Emory & GA Tech
Postdoctoral Fellows

NIH F32 Postdoctoral Fellow

NIH F32 Postdoctoral Fellow
Graduate Students

PhD in Biomedical Engineering

PhD in Biomedical Engineering

PhD in Biomedical Engineering

PhD in Biomedical Engineering

PhD in Biomedical Engineering
Research Specialists

Clinical Neurotechnology Research Assistant

Undergraduate in Computer Science

Undergraduate in Computer Science, Mathematics, and Economics

Undergraduate in Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology doubled with English and Creative Writing

Undergraduate in Neuroscience and Computer Science

Masters in Computer Science
Alumni- Grad/Postdoc

Postdoctoral Fellow (next: Cogsc.AI)

Postdoctoral Fellow (next: Machine Learning Research Scientist, Apple)

PhD in Machine Learning (next: Data Scientist at AE Studio)

PhD in Neuroscience (next: Applied Research Scientist in AI/ML at Apple)

PhD in Biomedical Engineering (next: Postdoctoral Fellow with Nicholas Au Yong, MD, PhD)
Alumni- Undergrad/Masters/Staff

Undergraduate in Psychology (next: MD, Mercer School of Medicine)

Undergraduate in CS and Math (next: Masters, CS, Georgia Tech)

Undergraduate in Neuroscience (next: Research assistant, Tresch lab, Northwestern)

Undergraduate in Electrical Engineering (next: PhD, Neuroscience, Northwestern)

Masters in Neuroengineering (next: PhD, Neuroscience, EPFL)
Undergraduate in Biomedical Engineering

Masters in BME (next: Research engineer, Trumbower Lab, Harvard/Spaulding)

Undergraduate in CS (next: MS, Computer Science, Yale)
Undergraduate in Math and CS

Undergraduate in Computer Science w/ Minor in Biomedical Engineering
Research Specialist (next: PhD in BME, Johns Hopkins)

Undergraduate in CS (next: PhD, Machine Learning, Georgia Tech)

Undergraduate in CS (next: Research specialist, Olveczky Lab, Harvard)

Undergraduate in CS and Neuroscience (next: PhD, Computation and Neural Systems, Caltech)

Masters in CS (next: Software engineer, Cray Inc)

Undergraduate in Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering (next: PhD in Computational Neuroscience, U Chicago)
Undergraduate in Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering

Undergraduate in Electrical Engineering (next: Intern, Macke Lab, Tubingen)

Undergraduate in Biomedical Engineering

Undergraduate in Biology and Theatre (next: DVM, Ohio State)
Undergraduate in CS (next: Masters in CS, Stanford)

Undergraduate in Computer Science

Undergraduate in Biomedical Engineering w/Minor in Computing and Devices (next: MS, Bioinformatics, GT)

Undergraduate in Neuroscience (next: PhD, BME, Johns Hopkins)

Undergraduate in Neuroscience (next: Masters, Anesthesiology, Case Western)

Undergraduate and Masters in Computer Science (next: PhD, Program in Neural Computation, Carnegie Mellon)