Drs. Pandarinath, Au Yong, and Berg organize a minisymposium on spinal and medulla population dynamics at Sfn 2024

At SfN 2024, Chethan Pandarinath, Nicholas Au Yong, and Rune Berg organized the first-ever minisyposium on population dynamics in the spinal cord at SfN 2024. The workshop, entitled “Unveiling the Neural Dynamics Underlying Movement and Respiration in the Spinal Cord and Medulla”, brought together leaders in the nascent (but rapidly growing) field of population recording in the cord.
The recent confluence of large-scale in vivo recordings, deep learning, and causal manipulations has enabled a qualitatively different window into population dynamics in the spinal cord and medulla than previously possible. This minisymposium presented exciting developments that herald a new population-level understanding of subcortical pattern generation, highlighting the spinal and medullary network mechanisms underlying the production of breathing, movement, and protective reflexes.
We thank our amazing speakers Dr. Nicholas Au Yong, Rune Berg, Ariel Levine, Nicholas Bush, Lan Luan, and Kazu Seki for participating!